The wonderful feeling of Spring brings renewal to us all and the world we temporarily call home.  It is a chance for new beginnings and a renewed way of looking at life.  The path to a new life is always open to us if we are willing to walk it.  The change that awaits us is all we have ever hoped for.

In you is all of Heaven.  Every leaf that falls is given life in you.  Each bird that ever sang will sing again in you.  And every flower that ever bloomed has saved its perfume and its loveliness for you.  What aim can supersede the Will of God and of His Son, that Heaven be restored to him for whom it was created as his only home?  Nothing before and nothing after it.  No other place; no other state nor time.  Nothing beyond nor nearer.  Nothing else.  In any form.

A Course in Miracles, The Light you Bring. P.526-527

Spring is indeed here.



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